Mobile application security testing and ratings

Keep your apps safe with MOBSTR: Vambrace's very own mobile application security testing and ratings solution.



Today’s cyber criminals are teaming up in highly organised groups to attack unsuspecting businesses and their mobile apps. To combat these malicious groups, you need a solution that fights back.

You need MOBSTR.

MOBSTR provides client-side static application security scanning for iOS, Android and Chrome applications. It works by looking for high-risk privacy and security indicators and patterns, monitoring continuously with every app store update to offer the ultimate service.

The many benefits of MOBSTR

Smarter. Better. Faster. Stronger.


Generate fewer false positives over time through learning. Findings reported with comprehensive information for all business levels.


Discover a fully featured web application. Allow users to add applications and sub-users, as well as tag apps, filter/sort and archive.


Get instant email alerts as soon as an application’s risk changes, or we receive any new security information.

Identify risks in eight simple steps


  1. Download the IPA and APK files

  2. Decompile the application to reveal code files

  3. Retrieve app information

  4. Cross reference app information with vulnerability databases (dependencies or SDK recent issues)

  5. Perform basic security tests

  6. Scan code for patterns/indicators of insecure practices

  7. Scan code for files or text that could reveal private information

  8. Calculate a risk score and feedback to user

Still confused about how it all works? Get in touch with one of our cybersecurity specialists today.


MOBSTR is packed full of intelligent features, covering all of your compliance and risk management needs.

Not just for app developers

MOBSTR was made with everyone across the cybersecurity universe in mind. From vendor risk managers to compliance managers, CISOs, M&A, cyber insurance and more.

Why test your apps with MOBSTR?


Our cybersecurity experts are well versed in the science of risk management within mobile applications. That’s why they can help you analyse the insights generated by MOBSTR into effective remediation suggestions.

We stay in constant contact with your team, providing advice on the best approach to resolve issues and verifying that any changes you make will positively impact the security of your application.

Looking for that extra mile of support? Get in touch today.

Test your apps today

Get in touch with one of our cybersecurity experts today, and we’ll help you put your apps to the test.